Increase Revenue Through Better Medicine
Now you can add dental x-rays directly into your dental exam charts. Previously this required additional software and several steps, however, it is now a direct input into the ClienTrax record.
Performing an average of 5 dental procedures a week
and 3 dental x-rays per dental can add over $1,300 in additional monthly revenue.
With ClienTrax Integrated Digital Solutions, it is easier than ever to capitalize on your existing business. Let us show you how!

Watch Jeff Good, Vice-President of ClienTrax, demonstrate the digital dental integration solution.
In one published report*, intraoral radiographs revealed clinically important pathology in 27.8% of dogs and 41.7% of cats when NO abnormal findings were noted on the initial examination.
In patients with abnormal findings, radiography revealed additional pathology in 50% of dogs and 53.9% of cats.
*Verstraete JM, Kass PH, Terpak CH. Diagnostic value of full mouth radiology in cats. Am J Vet Res 1998;59:692-695.